Model Files
Model files for representative CMOS technologies are provided below.
Below are zip files with example netlists (text only) of using the models in Hspice and LTSpice. They are provided as-is. Good luck!
Model files for representative CMOS technologies are provided below.
Below are zip files with example netlists (text only) of using the models in Hspice and LTSpice. They are provided as-is. Good luck!
i need 65n cmos if somebody has any link please reply to me.
Hey, Could you please forward it to me?!
is there 125 nm cmos ?
There is a mistake in the example of HSPICE inverter in “how_to_simulate_in_Hspice.pdf”. That should be: M1 Vdd A Q Vdd pmos_lvt (nfin = 4 l = 16n nf=2 )
M2 Q A Vss Vss nmos_lvt (nfin = 4 l = 16n nf=2 )
sorry, my bad, there is no mistake
is it possible to do a monte Carlo simulation with PTM model files?
I am not able to access
Very interesting to have this different technology models. But 65nm model is missing.
Could someone help by providing 65nm PTM Models ?
you can find the model libraries
Hi it seems is not accessible. is there alternate solutions?
Also can we get model cards for BSIMSOI,BSIMCMG..etc for academic research purposes? thank you.
Seems like we cannot access to PTM model in ASU site
Hi, I need to use the ASAP7 model card for my simulation. How can I get that ??
Hi, can I have the link to the datasheet of these model files?
These model files are representative of integrated circuit technologies, so there’s no particular datasheet for them. The basic model parameters correspond to those in the summary tables on the inside cover of the 2nd edition.
do we need to create the variability file by ourselves? because not even PTM models are having a variability file that helps us to run monte Carlo. though I have created one for simulation, how to verify that I am close to reality?
Here are a couple of references with data on variability and mismatch:
Kinget, P.R., 2005. Device mismatch and tradeoffs in the design of analog circuits. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 40(6), pp.1212-1224.
Tuinhout, H.P., 2003, September. Improving BiCMOS technologies using BJT parametric mismatch characterisation. In Proc. Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (pp. 163-170).
Is there a way to import the 7nm FinFET model files into LT Spice ?
Unfortunately, in my understanding, LTSpice doesn’t accept BSIM-CMG model files at this time.
Thanks for the clarification Prof.
I see the model files only include the model for MOSFET. May I know where can I find model files for PNP/NPN and diodes as well?
Here is a typical model for an NPN transistor:
.model QECL NPN(Is=0.26fA Bf=100 Br=1 Tf=0.1ns Cje=1pF Cjc=1.5pF Va=100)
And here are models of a typical discrete NPN, PNP and diode:
.model Q2N3904 NPN(Is=6.734f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=74.03 Bf=416.4 Ne=1.259
+ Ise=6.734f Ikf=66.78m Xtb=1.5 Br=.7371 Nc=2 Isc=0 Ikr=0 Rc=1
+ Cjc=3.638p Mjc=.3085 Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=4.493p Mje=.2593 Vje=.75
+ Tr=239.5n Tf=301.2p Itf=.4 Vtf=4 Xtf=2 Rb=10)
.model Q2N3906 PNP(Is=1.41f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=18.7 Bf=180.7 Ne=1.5 Ise=0
+ Ikf=80m Xtb=1.5 Br=4.977 Nc=2 Isc=0 Ikr=0 Rc=2.5 Cjc=9.728p
+ Mjc=.5776 Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=8.063p Mje=.3677 Vje=.75 Tr=33.42n
+ Tf=179.3p Itf=.4 Vtf=4 Xtf=6 Rb=10)
.model D1N4148 D(Is=2.682n N=1.836 Rs=.5664 Ikf=44.17m Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Cjo=4p
+ M=.3333 Vj=.5 Fc=.5 Isr=1.565n Nr=2 Bv=100 Ibv=100u Tt=11.54n)
there are no Isub models in 0.8u/0.35u/0.18u process. Why?
Actually, subthreshold current is modelled in both the 0.35u and 0.18u model files. You can see the subthreshold behaviour clearly in Figure 1.28, which was generated using the provided 0.18um model files. However, not all simulators will properly implement that part of the models.
The 0.8u model files are just simple level 3 SPICE models, which don’t include subthreshold current. Generally speaking, subthreshold current is less of a concern in that technology.
For the above models how can I find the Kp values for NMOS and PMOS?
Approximate values are summarized in Table 1.4 of the text.
The 0.8 um CMOS lib file could not be found.
It’s provided by following the link above as an include file with the .MODEL embedded.
For technology 0.18um 1.8V BSIM 3.1:
1. What is W and L range (Wmin, Wmax, Lmin, Lmax)?
2. What is size step (is it called scale factor?) for W and L? For example, is it equal to 1nm, that is 0.001 um?
Kind Regards,
These details are not specified in the posted model file.
In 0.18um model card, in values of some parameters such as Tox, U0 etc. there is additional term “proc_delta”, what it means and what value it takes while simulation?
Thank you.
The term “proc_delta” is a simluation parameter that accounts for deviations in certain transistor parameters (Tox, U0, etc.) from their nominal values due to manufacturing process variations. Note the model card is not to be used on its own. Included in the same zip file are include files for …ff, …ss, and …tt process corners (fast, slow and typical respectively) which assign appropriate values to proc_delta and then instantiate the model card.
I use 0.18um CMOS model for my design. I downloaded its Model File from your site. Would you please telling me which parameter shows the factor “n” of subthreshold region of MOSFET?
Thanks alot
The most significant parameters are “NFACTOR=2.30E+00” for NMOS and “NFACTOR=2.00E+00” for PMOS in the 0.18um model provided. However, other terms such as CDSC, CDSCD and CDSCB capture channel length dependent effects on n.
please specify model foundry for the listed model file.
These are general BSIM models; they are not models for any specific foundry.