0.35um CMOS process

0.35um CMOS process

1. uCox, Vtn for NMOS

1-1. Schematic

1-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 uCox, Vtn for 0.35um NMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mn 1 2 0 0 nmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vdd 1 0 3.3

vgs 2 0 1


* analysis


.dc vgs 0 3.3 1m


* options

.options post


1-3. Simulation Result

unCox = 211 μA/V2
Vtn = 0.57 V

θ = 0.88 V-1

2. lambda for NMOS

2-1. Schematic

2-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 lambda for 0.35um NMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mn 1 2 0 0 nmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vdd 1 0 3.3

vgs 2 0 1


* analysis


.dc Vdd 0 1 1m0


* options

.options post


2-3. Simulation Result

λ = 0.187 V-1 @ L = 0.7 μm
λL = 0.13 μm/V

3. Cov/W for NMOS

3-1. Schematic

3-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 Cov/W for 0.35um NMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mn 0 1 0 0 nmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vgs 1 0 dc=0 ac=1


* analysis


.ac dec 100 1 1k


* options

.options post


3-3. Simulation Result

Cov = 5.06 fF @ W = 7 μm
Cov/W = 0.72 fF/μm

4. Cdb/W for NMOS

4-1. Schematic

4-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 Cdb/W for 0.35um NMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mn 0 0 0 1 nmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vb 1 0 dc=0 ac=1


* analysis


.ac dec 100 1 1k


* options

.options post


4-3. Simulation Result

Cdb = 3.20 fF @ W = 7 μm
Cdb/W = 0.46 fF/μm

θ = 0.74 V-1


5. uCox, Vtp for PMOS

5-1. Schematic

5-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 uCox, Vtnp for 0.35um PMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mp 0 2 1 1 pmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vdd 1 0 3.3

vgs 1 2 1


* analysis


.dc vgs 0 3.3 1m0


* options

.options post


5-3. Simulation Result

upCox = 22μA/V2
Vtp = 0.60 V

θ = 0.93 V-1

6. lambda for PMOS

6-1. Schematic

6-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 lambda for 0.35um PMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mp 0 2 1 1 pmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vdd 1 0 5

vgs 1 2 1


* analysis


.dc vdd 0 1.5 1m0


* options

.options post



6-3. Simulation Result

λ = 0.116 V-1 @ L = 0.7 μm
λL = 0.16 μm/V

7. Cov/W for PMOS

7-1. Schematic

7-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 Cov/W for 0.35um PMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mp 0 1 0 0 pmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vgs 1 0 dc=0 ac=1


* analysis


.ac dec 100 1 1k


* options

.options post



7-3. Simulation Result

Cov = 4.73 fF @ W = 7 μm
Cov/W = 0.68 fF/μm

8. Cdb/W for PMOS

8-1. Schematic

8-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 1.27 Cdb/W for 0.35um PMOS


* MOS model

.include p35_cmos_models_tt.inc


* main circuit

mp 0 0 0 1 pmos L=0.7u W=7u


* power supply

vb 1 0 dc=0 ac=1


* analysis


.ac dec 100 1 1k


* options

.options post


8-3. Simulation Result

Cdb = 3.34 fF @ W = 7 μm
Cdb/W = 0.47 fF/μm

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11 years ago

it’s very Good information on extraction of mos model parameters.

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