Problem 3.16

Problem 3.16

1. small-signal gain of the amplifier

1-1. Schematic

1-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 3.16 for gain


* MOS model



* main circuit

mn1 3 4 5 0 nmos L=0.18u W=10u

mp2 3 2 1 1 pmos L=0.18u W=10u

mp3 2 2 1 1 pmos L=0.18u W=10u


* current source

id3 2 0 dc 100u


* voltage source

Vdd 1 0 dc 1.8

Vbias 4 0 dc 1

Vin 5 0 dc 431m ac 1

** vin dc value adjusted to ensure mn1 is in active mode


* analysis


.ac dec 10 1k 100G


* options

.options post



1-3. Simulation Result

AV= 25dB = 19V/V

2. input resistance of the amplifier

2-1. Schematic

2-2. HSPICE Netlist

* Problem 3.16 for rin


* MOS model



* main circuit

mn1 3 4 5 0 nmos L=0.18u W=10u

mp2 3 2 1 1 pmos L=0.18u W=10u

mp3 2 2 1 1 pmos L=0.18u W=10u


* current source

id1 5 0 dc 100u ac 1

id3 2 0 dc 100u


* voltage source

Vdd 1 0 dc 1.8

Vbias 4 0 dc 1


* analysis


.ac dec 10 1k 100G


* options

.options post


2-3. Simulation Result

rin = 1.42kΩ

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