Problem 4.14

Problem 4.14

1. Schematic

2. HSPICE Netlist

2-a. 0.18-µm CMOS process

* Problem 4.14 a. 0.18um process


* MOS model



* main circuit

mp1 1 2 3 3 pmos L=0.18u W=531u

cl 1 0 25p


* current source

id 1 0 dc 0.8m


* voltage source

vdd 3 0 dc 1.8

vin 3 2 dc 0.55 ac 1

** vin dc value adjusted to ensure mp1 is in strong inversion


* analysis


.ac dec 10 1k 100G


* options

.options post


2-b. 45-nm CMOS process

* Problem 4.14 b. 45um process


* MOS model



* main circuit

mp1 1 2 3 3 pmos L=45n W=112u

cl 1 0 25p


* current source

id 1 0 dc 0.8m


* voltage source

vdd 3 0 dc 1.8

vin 3 2 dc 0.55 ac 1

** vin dc value adjusted to ensure mp1 is in strong inversion


* analysis


.ac dec 10 1k 100G


* options

.options post


3. Simulation Result


fta [MHz]
0.18µm CMOS process 93
45nm CMOS process 72

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